When it’s time to say goodbye to your beloved pet, take some time to think about how you want to memorialize them. Many of the pet parents we work with opt to preserve the memory of their pets by choosing an urn to hold their ashes. If you plan to do the same, we’ve outlined some tips below to help you choose the right pet urn for your furry friend. 

We hope you find this guide helpful during this difficult time. 

Think About What You Want Your Pet’s Final Resting Place to Be

First, take some time to think about what you want your pet’s final resting place to be. If you want to scatter their ashes around their favorite spot in the yard, consider getting a scattering urn that will allow you to respectfully and easily scatter their remains. 

If you’d prefer to keep the ashes in your home, a more traditional urn is a better option for your needs. Or, you might opt for a jewelry urn, so your pet’s remains are always close to your heart physically and emotionally. 

Choose the Correct Size

If you decide to look for a traditional urn, you’ll need to make sure you choose the right size to accommodate the ashes. To do this, you’ll need to know your pet’s weight to do a simple calculation. 

To choose the right size, you’ll need 1 cubic inch of space in the urn per 1 pound of weight. So, for a 40-pound dog, you’d need an urn with a capacity of at least 40 cubic inches. 

Consider Different Material Options

Another decision you’ll need to make is which material you want for your pet’s urn. The right choice largely comes down to your personal preference. Here at Pet Passages, we offer a variety of materials, including the following: 

These materials come in different colors and styles, so you can choose something that best reflects your pet. You also have plenty of different shape options available to you. Some pet parents like the look of a traditional urn, while others prefer something more discrete. We are here to help guide you through the different options available so you choose the perfect urn for your family. 

Consider Personalizing Your Pet Urn

Another idea is to personalize your pet urn. Consider adding an engraving to your urn with your pet’s name or a special message. 

Some urns even have the option to include a photo of your pet or an imprint of your pet’s nose or paw print. Whatever you choose, adding personal features can be a special way to keep your pet’s memory alive. 

Don’t Feel Rushed

The grieving process is not easy to navigate. Don’t feel pressured to choose an urn right away; instead, take your time to allow yourself to grieve and when you feel ready, you can feel confident that you’re making the right choice for your pet. 

Choose the Right Pet Urn With the Help of Pet Passages

We hope you found these tips helpful. When you’re ready to look for the right pet urn, browse through our collection, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can be of assistance in any way.